Secure Reversible Image Data Hiding
Volume: 7 - Issue: 03 - Date: 01-03-2018
Approved ISSN: 2278-1412
Published Id: IJAECESTU367 | Page No.: 301-305
Author: Pooja Chourasia
Co- Author: Dr. Anubhuti Khare
Abstract:-The world now gives opportunity to the computer and the related systems directly or
indirectly for living. Information security is one of the major concerns in this System.
Steganogrphy are the most popular or widely used information security scheme or techniques. It is
the act of covert communications. The paper give a review on a novel framework for reversible
data hiding in encrypted image (RDH-EI) based on reversible image transformation (RIT).
Different from previous frameworks which encrypt a plaintext image into a cipher text form; RITbased RDH-EI shifts the semantic of original image to the semantic of another image and thus
protects the privacy of the original image. This paper is a survey which describes several different
algorithms for Reversible Data Hiding (RDH). Previous literature has shown that histogram
modification, histogram equalization (HE) and interpolation are the most common methods for
data hiding
Key Words:-Difference expansion (DE), location map, reversible data embedding, reversible integer transform,
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