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Call For Editors
We cordially extend an invitation to you to join us as an editor for IJAECE. Our aim is to enhance IJAECE as a valuable research resource for scholars, researchers, and students alike. To apply, please provide us with a brief bio, photo, background information (including education and research experience), and a few details for us to review. We greatly appreciate your ongoing support and efforts to improve the quality of IJAECE. We encourage you to keep an eye on our journal, as we strive towards becoming an internationally recognized publication.
Duties of editor in IJAECE
- Review some papers in your research interests.
- Promotion of IJEIR in your colleagues.
- Promotion of IJEIR in your area of influence.
- Gather or Recommend high quality papers
Eligibility for becoming the member of International Editors
(Degree and Position requirements) The applicant must hold:- Ph.D. (DOCTOR) DEGREE with good field experiences or
- PROFESSOR's Position at accredited academic institution
- (Good knowledge in some Specific fields) The applicant must have good
- experiences in his/her specific field of research.
- The applicants from industrial background with good exposure to technologies .
If you have interest in becoming the editor of IJAECE, complete the form and email at
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