A Review of Dwt and Lsb Based Audio Steganography
Volume: 5 - Issue: 10 - Date: 01-10-2016
Approved ISSN: 2278-1412
Published Id: IJAECESTU365 | Page No.: 1035-1037
Author: Monika Saxena
Co- Author: Uttam Mishra
Abstract:-As a review of this paper present a novel method for digital audio steganography
where encrypted covert data is embedded by DWT based and LSB based. Steganography may be a
technique for hiding data in a host signal. The host signal may be a still image, speech or video
and therefore the message signal that's hidden within the host signal can be a text, image or an
audio signal. Data hiding, a form of steganography, embeds data into digital media for the
purpose of identification, annotation, and copyright. Several constraints affect this process: the
quantity of data to be hidden, the need for invariance of these data under conditions where a
“host” signal is subject to distortions
Key Words:-DWT, LSB, PSNR, Audio steganography,
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