Modelling of Grid Connected PV System Using Multilevel Inverter
Volume: 7 - Issue: 08 - Date: 01-08-2018
Approved ISSN: 2278-1412
Published Id: IJAECESTU344 | Page No.: 701-704
Author: Hiramani Shukla
Co- Author: Sanjeev Gupta,Anusha Lahoti
Abstract:-Multilevel inverters are one amongst the preferred solutions for medium-voltage and
high-power applications and have found successful industrial applications. The present techniques
Five-level Active Neutral purpose Clamped inverter (5L-ANPC) is one amongst the most standard
topologies among five-level inverters. A Six-Switch 5L-ANPC (6S-5L-ANPC) topology is employed
for improvement of leakage current. Leakage current is that the current that flows through the
protecting ground conductor to ground. within the absence of a grounding connection, it is the
current that would be due any conductive part or the surface of non-conductive components to
ground if a conductive path was offered (such as a human body). There are always extraneous
currents flowing within the safety ground conductor. Within the planned analysis, we tend to
planned PV with multilevel inverter used for the optimization of leakage current and power
Key Words:-Multilevel inverter, Flying-Capacitor (FC), PV, Microgrid
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