Fault Analysis by using MINIMal Hopping routing topology
Volume: 10 - Issue: 01 - Date: 01-01-2021
Approved ISSN: 2278-1412
Published Id: IJAECESTU335 | Page No.: 102-109
Author: Manu Shukla
Co- Author: Chhatrapani Gautam
Abstract:-This paper addresses fault-tolerant topology control in a heterogeneous
wireless sensor network consisting of several resource-rich super nodes used for data
relaying and a large number of energy constrained wireless sensor nodes. We present the
k-degree any cast Topology Control (k-ATC) issue with the goal of choosing every
sensor's transmission range with the end goal that every sensor is k-vertex super node
associated and the most extreme sensor transmission power is limited. Such topologies
are required for applications that help sensor information announcing indeed, even in
case of disappointments of up to k − 1 sensor hubs. We propose two answers for the k- ATC issue: a ravenous unified calculation that creates the ideal arrangement and a
dispersed and limited calculation that steadily changes sensors' transmission range with
the end goal that the k-vertex super node network prerequisite is met. Recreation results
are displayed to confirm our methodologies.
Key Words:-Fault-tolerant topology control, Heterogeneous wireless sensor networks
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