Survey on Denoising and Enhancement of Extremely Lowlight Video
Volume: 7 - Issue: 01 - Date: 01-01-2018
Approved ISSN: 2278-1412
Published Id: IJAECESTU329 | Page No.: 111-114
Author: Kanika Sisodiya
Co- Author: Neelesh Gupta
Abstract:-The two major characteristics of an extremely low-light video is the Dynamic Range
(DR) and Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR). Here, improvement and noise suppression of an especially
low-light video is planned. In this paper we tend to studied a completely unique approach for
noise reduction and improvement of very low-light video. In this paper different research papers
are studied related to the Denoising and Enhancement of Extremely Low-light Video.
Key Words:-Noise reduction, tone mapping, nonlocal means, and low-light video
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