Image Haze Removal using Dark Channel Prior Technique
Volume: 6 - Issue: 09 - Date: 01-09-2017
Approved ISSN: 2278-1412
Published Id: IJAECESTU319 | Page No.: 901-904
Author: Ifra Sharif
Co- Author: Bharti Salunke
Abstract:-Haze is a full of atmosphere occurrence that
significantly degrades the visibility of out of door scene. This
is frequently mainly because of the atmosphere element that
soak up and separate the sunlight. This paper introduces a
unique single image move toward that enhances the visibility
of such corrupted pictures. during this work, a single edgepreserving decomposition-based method is introduced to
estimation transmission map for a haze image consequently
on style one image haze removal algorithmic rule from the
Koschmiedars law while not utilization any previous. An
alternate fast variation approach to dehaze and denoise at
the same time. The designed technique initial estimates a
transmission map using a windows adaptive technique
support the renowned dark channel previous. Restitution of
smog images is important for the de-weathering matter in
computer visualization. In this propose a new method for
estimating the optical transmission in hazy scenes given a
single input image. Based on this estimation, the spread light
is eliminating to raise scene visibility and recover haze-free
scene contrast.
Key Words:-Edge Detection, Laplacian distribution, Retinex theory, visibility restoration
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