An Overview on Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted JPEGBitstream
Volume: 5 - Issue: 03 - Date: 01-03-2016
Approved ISSN: 2278-1412
Published Id: IJAECESTU262 | Page No.: 920-923
Author: Pooja Dwivedi
Co- Author: Sonulal,Deepak Mishra
Abstract:-This correspondence propose a framework of reversible data hiding (RDH) in an
encrypted IMAGE bit stream. unlike accessible RDH technique for encrypted spatial-domain
images, the propose technique aims at encrypting a IMAGE bit stream into a appropriately
prepared structure, and embed a secret message into the encrypted bit stream by slightly
modifying the IMAGE stream. we have a tendency to identify usable bits suitable for data hiding
so that the encrypted bit stream carrying secret data can be right decoded. the secret message bits
area unit encoded with error correction codes to achieve a perfect data extraction and image
improvement. The encryption and embedding area unit controlled by encryption and embedding
keys severally. If a receiver has each keys, the key bits can be extract by analyze the blocking
artifacts of the neighboring blocks, and the original bit stream fully recovered. in case the receiver
only has the encryption key, he/she can still translate the bit stream to get the image with good
quality without extract the hidden data
Key Words:-Signal Processing Method, Precise Estimation of Leq , Roughly Observed Data,
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