High Speed Integration in DDR3 Controller
Volume: 4 - Issue: 04 - Date: 01-04-2015
Approved ISSN: 2278-1412
Published Id: IJAECESTU238 | Page No.: 446-448
Author: Ankita Shrivastava
Co- Author: Sudha Nair
Abstract:-The required for high speed and small size memories has been accelerating by the day.
All device size diminishes gradually in electronics industry, for the perfect handing and carrying.
Hence, these memory devices are quickly developing to provide high density and high memory
bandwidths. Therefore, with the increase in technology, complication of commands to command
the memory devices also accelerates. This paper, purpose influence speed and reduce power in
DDR3 Controller. This paper represents the technique and architecture of the DDR3 Controller
which utilizes to influence the speed and discuss advantages of DDR3.
Key Words:-Optimized DDR3; Verilog; Xilinx; FPG, .High Speed DDR3
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