Study of Total energy, equation of state and energy volume relation for Al, Ni and it binary alloys
Volume: 2 - Issue: 08 - Date: 01-08-2013
Approved ISSN: 2278-1412
Published Id: IJAECESTU210 | Page No.: 232-236
Author: P H Suthar
Co- Author: P N Gajjar,B Y Thakore
Abstract:-In the present paper our well establish local model potential describing electron ion
interaction is used to study atomic properties of Al, Ni metals and its binary alloys (NiAl, Ni3Al)
along with three different local field correction functions due to Hartree (H), Ichimaru and Utsumi
(IU) and Sarkar et al (S). Here the parameter of potential is determined using the equilibrium
condition at zero pressure. The total energy and equation of state of the metals are computed
using higher order perturbation theory based on pseudopotential formalism. Numerical values of
total energy obtained for metals are found superior than the other theoretical findings. Good
agreement is achieved between the presently calculated results of equation of state with
experimental and available other data found in the literature, confirming the applicability of our
model potential for such study.
Key Words:-Total energy, equation of state, pseudopotential.
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