Face Recognition Based on Factor Analysis Technique
Volume: 1 - Issue: 01 - Date: 01-01-2012
Approved ISSN: 2278-1412
Published Id: IJAECESTU177 | Page No.: 39-43
Author: Omesh Hada
Co- Author: Rajesh Kumar Rai
Abstract:-In this work we are developing a code for matching the given image with the pre given
image and displaying the information about it while keeping the error limitations in mind or
displaying a negation remark. This is being done by the help of matlab simple and user friendly
features. Thus making it simple, efficient and providing wide applications. It is based on information
theory concepts, a computational model that best describes a face, by extracting the most relevant
information contained in that face. Eigenfaces approach is a principle component analysis method, in
which a small set of characteristic picture are used to describe the variation between face images.
Goal is to find out the eigenvectors (eigenfaces) of the covariance matrix of the distribution, spanner
by a training set of face images [1].
Later, every face image is represented by a linear combination of these eigenvectors. Evaluations of
these eigenvectors are quite difficult for typical image sizes but, an approximation that is suitable for
practical purpose is also presented.
Recognition is performed by projecting a new image into the subspace spanned by the eigenfaces and
then classifying the face by comparing its position in face space with the position of known
A face recognition system, based on the eigenfaces approach is proposed. Eigenfaces approach seems
to be an adequate method to be used in face recognition due to its simplicity, speed and learning
capability. Experimental results are given to demonstrate the viability of the proposed face
recognition method.
Key Words:- Factor analysis, Eigen values,PCA
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